Saturday, September 20, 2008

composition-cheating during exam(revision 3)

Staring at the third question of Section C ,thinking hard .I am racking my brains ,thinking how to do that question .When I got the answer of that question ,I pen my answers down .In the corner of my eye ,I saw wayne sliding her delicate hands in her pockets ,fishing out a piece of paper ,after she was sure that no one was looking at her .
Relisation hit me like a twenty pound sledgehammer .How is it possible?Wayne ,who is the cleverest boy in the class ,is cheating!I thought my eyes are playing a trick on me .I looked again .It's true!My eyes are not playing a trick on me .I look at Wayne again ,who was scribbling furiously on the exam papers while referring to the piece of paper nestled on his lap .I was in a dilemma .Should I tell the invigilator or not?If I tell ,Wayne will hate me and beat me up .If I don't ,Wayne will not change and will continue to do the wrong thing .No!I must not go against my conscience .
I raise my hand ,waving for the teacher to come .The strict and fierce teacher came in front of me .I told the teacher what I saw and she walked towards Wayne .She said to Wayne,sounding dangerously soft ,"Alvin told me that you have a little secret to share with me , tell me the secret ."I peep at Wayne ,who was staring at me ."Ring......."The recess bell rang .I tried to avoid Wayne and his friends .However ,Lady Luck doesn't seem to be on my side .I met them .I tried to give them a friendly smile ,however ,they rained punches at me .I was punched by them and laid flat on the floor .Wayne stepped on my spectacles and cracked my spectacles .Anger began to build up in me .I lunged at Wayne.He shoved me away and kicked me .After they left ,the world began to whirl around me as the last thin thread of consciousness slipped away and I was swept into unconsciousness .
When I woke up ,I found out that Wayne and his friends were expelled .I quickly ran to the principle's office and told the principle not to expell them and gave the reasons why .The next day ,Wayne and his friends found out that they can go back to school.They felt very happy .They later knew that it was me who helped them .They thanked me and promised to be my best friends ever .That was my happiest day because they were back to be my friends and also because that I had done a good deed .


Blogger Unknown said...

lots of errors! worst compo ever!

March 27, 2021 at 4:55 AM  

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